Knit Pray Share

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Practicing Humility

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“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.”—1 Peter 5:6

Humility is counter cultural. We live in a world that is “all about me.” Focusing on self is encouraged. Our society focuses on self-reliance, self-help and self-made. Being consumed with the self is the message that is being sent to us. Culture tells us to look inward not upward. We are told to look within ourselves to unleash hidden powers. It is all about self-love. Selfishness seems to be celebrated.

Hope lies in God, not ourselves. However, the world sends quite a different message. It tells you to believe in yourself. Pride keeps us from experiencing God’s best for us. We aren’t going to make the best decisions when pride rules in our hearts.

Humility recognizes we are created by God and accountable to Him, not the world. I know nothing I do can be done solely on my own abilities. However, this is where many, at least me, struggle. There have been situations when things don’t seem to be happening when I think they should. Taking things into my own hands never ends like I had envisioned.

Had I remained obedient to that nudge that told me to be still, and trust God is in control, I wouldn’t have experienced the consequences of not listening to the Holy Spirit. My “help” only delays God’s work. If I am truly seeking God for direction, He will give it to me. He doesn’t need my “guidance.”

It takes stepping out in faith believing God’s plans will always prevail. God gives grace, faith, wisdom and understanding when we are humble. Pride says, “I don’t need Jesus, but the reality is, none of us are enough. We all need Jesus. We need Him living in us and through us. Having a spirit of humility not only pleases God but is representative of who Christ is. He humbled himself to His Father, just as we are to do daily.

Father God,

Forgive me when I look inward and not upward doing things my way and not Your way. Thank You for giving me the perfect example of humility in Your Son, Jesus. I praise You for giving me the Holy Spirit to convict me of any prideful thoughts or actions. I lift those up to You who are weary of waiting for answered prayers and tempted to take matters in their own hands. I ask for You to give them strength to resist the lies of the enemies. You DO hear their prayers. Your Word tells us in 1 Peter 5:6, when we humble ourselves under Your mighty hand, You will lift us up in due time. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

 September Verse

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.”—1 Peter 5:6

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