Why Read?
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God a may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”—2 Timothy 3:16-17
What prompted this post was the purchase of a new Bible this week. Due to my aging eyes, I found myself relying on my iPad to read my Bible. While it isn’t a bad thing to read your Bible on an electronic device, for me, it is too big of a temptation for me to get distracted.
Despite having my notifications turned off, I am tempted to check my messages, emails, social media,or google photos shared albums. The next thing you know, I have wasted 15-20 minutes of my precious quiet time.
While at a friend’s house this week, I saw her open Bible with very large print. As soon as I got home, I searched on Amazon for one. The exact description? Extra Large print for seniors. Normally, it might bother me to be considered a senior, but being able to read my Bible without reading glasses is worth it.
With my new Bible Study, I wanted to use a hard copy Bible in which I can underline and make notes. Even with readers and my Ott light, reading my regular font Bible was difficult. It was why I was relying on my phone or IPad to read scripture.
On to the title of this post, Why Read? First of all, the Bible is not a book of fiction. It is God’s story to us. It is a history book written to speak to us and give direction in our lives. It encourages, challenges and corrects us. It helps us mature spiritually. However, the only way we can truly benefit from reading God’s Word is when we apply it to our life as well.
While attending and serving in the church are good things, this isn’t how we grow in Christ. Yes, it helps us along our faith journey. However, the only way to truly grow is by reading, studying and trusting our Bible. We meditate on it. We seek it for comfort, answers and guidance and share what we learn with others.
Scripture helps us discern the truth from what our world is preaching. My steps should not be determined by other people’s opinions or what our culture “suggests.” God’s Word should be my ultimate authority in my life. Even though our society may be drifting away from God, we must remain faithful by following God and His Word.
Now, rather than be tempted to let my mind and fingers drift on my phone or tablet, I will be feeling the crisp pages of my new Bible to soak in God’s Word during my morning time with the Lord. I don’t take it for granted that I own multiple Bibles. I know there are others in other parts of the world who are being persecuted if one is found in their possession.
Father God,
Forgive me when I let distractions take my eyes off You. Thank You for revealing a way for me to stay focused on Your Word during my morning quiet time. Speak to me through scripture as I spend time in Your presence this week. I pray for those around the world who are persecuted for owning a Bible. Protect them as they gather in Your name. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.
October Verse
“For many are invited, but few are chosen.”—Matthew 22:14
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