Knit Pray Share

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Being a Witness

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“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”—Acts 1:8 (NLT)

Acts 1:8 tells us that spreading the Gospel isn’t limited to the New Testament Christians. He is still calling us to be witnesses to the ends of the earth. We are called to share our faith…to be witnesses. It is not for us to keep to ourselves. We should be spreading it around us as well. This was not an assignment for one person. It is for all.

This week I heard on a podcast, Being a Christian is not a religion but a reality. People may not read the Bible but they read you. That is pretty powerful. We are image bearers of who Christ is. I don’t want to miss opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I want others to see the peace and joy of Jesus in me and want it for themselves. I pray for doors to be open for me to share my faith with someone who is searching.

Last week I shared how God had put a widow in my pathway who I felt led to minister to. I wasn’t sure exactly how He wanted to use me. He had given me devotions to text her. I think she appreciated them the first few days, but by day 5, I got a sweet text, letting me know that once a week was good for me to check-in on her.

It didn’t hurt my feelings. I think the Holy Spirit had prepared me by letting me know being a prayer warrior for her was why I was put in her pathway that day at the drugstore. She knows where I am and how to contact me if she is ever ready to dig deeper into her faith walk.

I did a porch drop off with her prayer shawl along with the book, Breath as Prayer: Calm Your Anxiety, Focus Your Mind, and Renew Your Soul by Jennifer Tucker. One of the exercise classes she used to teach was a yoga one, so I felt like this might be a book that would speak to her. It was last minute that I felt the need to add the book with the prayer shawl. I don’t know if she will read it, but again, when I feel a nudge I don’t question it. I just do it (well….most of the time…not always).

After she received it, she thanked me and shared some things with me confirming the prayer shawl was needed as well as God using me as a prayer warrior for her right now. We never know what seeds we are planting when we are obedient to where He leads us.

Rather than listen to the enemy telling me, you are wasting your time with the prayer shawl and book. She told you to not be so pushy, (a tactic of satan; twisting the words that she said to me. Those were not her words to me AT ALL), I don’t look at anything I am doing in the name of Jesus as a waste of my time.

The reality was texting someone every day that I really don’t know that well is overwhelming. I did need to back off. I am thankful she let me know. God has a plan and purpose for her. I may or may not be a part of it and that’s okay.

God created us to witness to our family, friends and others in our life. It may not be through our words but through our actions. The Holy Spirit empowers Jesus followers to share the Gospel to all ends of the world. We all have an opportunity in our corner of the world to do this. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we can accomplish what we are called to do.

Jesus has commissioned us to be bolder in our faith by sharing the Gospel. As our faith grows, the spread of the Gospel also grows. Rewards for sharing the Gospel are eternal. While we wait for Christ return, we live out this calling.

Father God,

Thank You for the privilege to be able to be a prayer warrior for someone. I ask for You to continue to use me to be a vessel to share Your love with those who are broken and hurting. Let others see the peace and joy of Jesus inside of me. I lift those up to You who are unsure of how You can use them to share the Gospel in their corner of the world. Give them boldness to live out their calling as a Disciple of Christ. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

 February Verse

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” –Colossians 3:15

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