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Your Voice Matter

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“The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.”—Proverbs 18:15

In the United States, tomorrow, March 5th. is called, Super Tuesday. Many may think because this is a primary election, it isn’t really necessary for them to make sure they vote. However, when you read Wikipedia’s explanation of it, it is a pretty big deal.

Wikipedia’s description is this: the United States presidential primary election day in February or March when the greatest number of U.S States hold primary elections and caucuses. Approximately one-third of all delegates to the presidential nominating conventions can be won on Super Tuesday, more than on any other day. The results on Super Tuesday are therefore a strong indicator of the likely eventual presidential nominee of each political party.

Voting in the primaries is a way to influence what your options are on the November ballot. If you want your voice to be heard for the November election, voting tomorrow (if you haven’t already) is how you do that. Will it take some time and effort on your part to inform yourself on the candidates and issues? Yes. However, you can go to your county website to print a sample ballot.

This is what I did last week. I looked up each candidate’s platform. Some of the things I was looking for were: do I think they will put Christian biblical values first or be willing to stand up for biblical principles? Our society needs leaders with strong morals and values whose policies are most in line with God’s Word.

If Christ followers, don’t go out and vote, we are letting others decide for us. We stand in truth because we believe in the truth of what God says. Yes, God has a plan and His will is going to prevail, however, if we aren’t willing to take action by going to the polls, He can’t work through us. Passivity in the body of Christ isn’t going to bring about a revival.

I couldn’t find nationwide averages for the number or registered voter turnout for the primary elections. However, in the state of Texas in 2022, only 18% of registered voters voted in the primary election and this year so far only 10.16% have early voted. That is letting a small percentage of people decide which candidates are going to be on the ballot in November.

Avoiding politics by sticking our heads in the sand isn’t going to bring the light of our Christian influence into the dark corners of our culture. It isn’t about who we vote for but how we vote. I don’t know about you, but I would like to see people in office whose desire is to make our country a better place to live as well as making sure my religious freedom will be protected.

If for some reason you didn’t early vote and are unable to vote in the primaries, I encourage you to stay informed and remember your voice matters this November.

 Father God,

I pray for hearts to be convicted and activated to let their voice be heard in this primary election. Remind them that every vote does count. Silence the secular voices on how they should vote. May they vote for those whose moral and values most align with scripture. Open their eyes to which candidates will protect our religious freedom and freedom of speech. I ask for protection of all running for office, their families and poll workers. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

March Verse

“The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.”—Proverbs 18:15

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