Close Communion
“The LORD is near to everyone who prays to him, to every faithful person who prays to him.”—Psalm 145:18 (GW)
Seeking God’s face first thing in the morning is not easy to do. I can easily get distracted. After we wake up in the morning, I know it is tempting to turn on the computer or TV to find out what is going on in our world….at least it is for me.
However, when I do this, my day does not start with the peace I need. When I open my eyes and ears to listen to God and let His truth sink into my heart, my day goes much smoother.
When my prayers align with God’s will, I can pray in confidence that they will be answered. Sometimes the answer to a prayer is God revealing a solution to the problem I am facing. I just need to be still enough to listen so that I don’t miss what He is revealing to me. If I am letting myself be consumed with worry, then the only energy I have is focused on me and I won’t see the opportunities to help or bless someone else.
Prayer isn’t about getting God’s attention, but to turn our attention on Him. Part of prayer is also listening to what He has to say. I know many times it is a one-way conversation between me and God. I pray, but don’t wait on Him to speak to me. Prayers help me to shift my focus from me to the only One who can fill my heart with peace and joy,
Psalm 145:18 tells us God is near to those who call on Him. I definitely feel a closer relationship with God when I stay in close communion with Him throughout my day. The more time I spend with Jesus, the more naturally His power and love flow through me. As we seek to know God more, He reveals Himself to us and loving and living like Jesus becomes a part of who we are.
Father God,
Forgive me when I let distractions take away from my time with You. Still my mind and heart to hear from You. I ask for guidance as I open Your Word each day. Reveal to me how I can implement it to live it out in my life. I know when I listen to where You are directing me, I will be in the center of Your will. Help me to embody a life like Christ. Transform me to be more like Jesus. I lift those up to You who are struggling with their prayer life. Carve out the needed time for them to spend time in Your Presence. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.
June Verse
“The LORD is near to all who call on Him, To all who call on Him in truth.”—Psalm 145:18 (NASB)
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