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God Is Our Resting Place

“My soul rests quietly only when it looks to God; from him comes my deliverance. 2 He alone is my rock, my deliverance, and my high tower; nothing will shake me.”—Psalm 62:1-2 (ISV)

When I looked up different versions of Psalm 62:1-2, the International Standard Version stood out to me. I know God is my rock and deliverer, but I never thought about Him being my high tower. What a vision that is for me picturing Jesus sitting on His high heavenly throne. As verse 2 continues, with Him nothing will shake me; including an unsettled heart.

Resting in the Lord doesn’t mean there is going to be calm in my life. It may be the only place where I am able to find calmness in the middle of the chaos. It is when I can surrender what is happening to me to God. Trusting His promise that He will never leave my side.

God gives my heart and mind rest when I lean into Him. One of the best ways to do this is search and find God’s promises in His Word. It has transforming power that can fill me with much needed inner peace. We are one with God as we practice this.

Let God be the resting place for your mind. God will refresh and give the needed strength for the day. He will help us when we are weak and tired. Resting in the Lord leads to rest in our hearts from whatever is causing us angst.

Jesus is called the Prince of Peace because in Him, we find our resting place. (Isaiah 9:6) When I center myself on Him, I am able to stay calmer in the stressful moments. The presence of the Holy Spirit is what enables me to not panic.

Having a contagiously calm, gentle spirit with my mother does not come naturally to me. Yes, this is a difficult time with my mother, but as I release my worries and fears about her future to the One who is by my side and has already gone before me, I find true rest in my soul.

Father God,

Forgive me when I don’t cast my cares on You and let unsettling thoughts occupy my mind. Help calm my fears so they do not take my thoughts captive. Fill my mind and heart with Your Word, wisdom and truth so I can rest in You. Hold those up who are weak in their faith. Let them feel the embrace of You loving arms around them. Thank You for Your promise that You are with me and hold the future in Your hands. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

July Verse
“My soul rests quietly only when it looks to God; from him comes my deliverance.”—Psalm 62:1 (ISV)

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