Knit Pray Share

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Let Your Light Shine

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”—John 1:5

In the book of Leviticus, we read about the Israelites waiting for God to lead them to the Promise Land. He guided them with a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire by night. Today, He has given us the Holy Spirit as that light to guide us. Jesus is the Light of the world. We have hope because we have His light.

No matter how much darkness is in the world, God’s light shines in and on us. I frequently ask myself, Are people drawn to me because they see something different in me? Am I living a life that causes others to know more about God? As a disciple of Christ, I can only hope that people do see the love of Jesus flowing out of me. 

I try to be intentional on how I talk and treat people, whether it is in person or on a frustrating phone call with the cable company. There are days I get it right and days I don’t. Thankfully, we all have access to the same source that refuels our lamp for Him when our life isn’t where we want it to be.

Do you believe God has placed you to be exactly where you are so that He can use you to spread the Gospel? Our day-to-day life brings us in contact with plenty of people. At the park, gym, work, stores, school….we have opportunities all around us to be the light of Jesus with our words and actions.

We are to be a spiritual light Jesus can shine through. As long as we are following Jesus, we can be that light to the world. No matter how dark things may seem, God can use us to punch holes of the light of Christ to shine through it. It doesn’t matter the amount of unbelief and darkness in our world. The light of Jesus shines brightly through each believer.

Father God,

I long to live in ways that reflect Your glory. Thank You for the light of Christ within me. I ask for awareness when my light grows dim. Refresh my soul so that Your light shines for others to see in me. Help me to be a beacon in the darkness. Fuel my lamp to shine brightly to those around me. I lift those up to You who are in a dark place. Put people in their pathway to brighten their day. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

 July Verse
“My soul rests quietly only when it looks to God; from him comes my deliverance.”—Psalm 62:1 (ISV)

If you are knitting or crocheting gifts to give away, please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.