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Times of Change

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“Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches.”—1 Corinthians 7:17 (ESV)

Change is a part of our life. You are probably sick of reading about my current season of helping with the care of my 85-year mother who has Alzheimer’s. It has definitely been a lifestyle adjustment for me. I can honestly tell you; this has not been something I have embraced with joy. It has been a journey for me, my mother, and the rest of the family. We have learned to adapt to our new “normal.”

1 Corinthians 7:17 is a confirmation that where I am in life right now, is exactly where God has placed me. It might not be where I had envisioned myself as an empty nester, but I have no doubt God is with me. This time with my mom is an opportunity for me to worship Christ. This isn’t about me and it isn’t about my mom. It is about Jesus.

This season in my life may be for me to one day be able to offer words of hope and encouragement to someone on a similar journey with a parent or loved one. In fact, something a high school friend said to me still resonates. She was the primary caregiver for her mother who had dementia. She knows what it is like to be in my shoes. As I was sharing my struggles with her, she looked at me and said, Lisa, I promise you. You will be a better person for this.

I believe her. I see how she changed from caring for her mom. It’s not that she wasn’t a good person before it, but I do see how she is an even better version of herself.  This keeps me going as well as knowing there is more to this life than this life. This isn’t my forever home.

When things are going well with my mom, stressful moments with her are easier for me to handle. Other days, I can’t imagine how much longer I can take it. Thankfully, I have a loving Father who doesn’t judge me in those moments.

I am learning to search for God in the mundane moments with her. Thanking Him for the beauty I see from sun shining through the clouds on my car ride home or getting a good parking spot while running one of my many errands for her.

During this time of change, I see how God has been growing me in my faith walk. He is using this to refine me. Being able to release control and as the song says, let “Jesus Take the Wheel,” my stress level is no longer what it was. I am able to glorify God despite some of the daily chaos with my mother. The more I trust God, the less fearful I am of what each day may bring. I have to remember that God has gone before me and already planned out my day…including my mom’s interruptions.

If you find yourself in a season of change, speaking from experience, I know it isn’t always easy to embrace it with joy. In John 16:33, Jesus told us we would have troubles. We might have to look a little harder, but there are nuggets in our day where we can find God’s goodness.

 Father God,

Fill me with scriptures to speak to my mind and heart as I encounter stressful situations. Thank You for reminding me of Your continual Presence. Whether it through the beauty of the sunbeams shining through the sky to a front parking spot, You are there. I lift those up to You who are in a season of change that has turned their life upside down. Put people in their life to help them during this difficult time. Reveal to them where they can find Your goodness in their day. It is in the name of Jesus I pray these things. Amen.

August Verse

"The God who said, "Out of darkness the light shall shine!" is the same God who made his light shine in our hearts, to bring us the knowledge of God's glory shining in the face of Christ.”—2 Corinthians 4:6

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