Seeds of Doubt
“So you must be brave. Don't give up! God will honor you for obeying him.”—2 Chronicles 15:7 (CEV)
Last Sunday night at bedtime, the enemy planted the seed of doubt in my head about the blog post I had written. You write about your mom too much. Do you really think anyone wants to read about your journey with your mother?
Even though God had given me two clear confirmations on the post topic, I started to question if I should write about something else. I felt the Holy Spirit, remind me of my whole purpose for even writing a weekly post.
I didn’t start my weekly devotions in hopes of a huge list of subscribers. My mentality was and still is this; If what I have written is only for one person to read, then it is enough of a reason to write it.
Monday morning, I woke up to a comment from a friend thanking me for writing about it as well as the timing for her to read it. She is also dealing with a similar situation with her mother. Only God could orchestrate this.
Not only did He know my doubts about what I wrote, but He also knew of another sister in Christ struggling with her elderly mother’s dementia. His perfect timing enabled us to both receive the needed encouragement the two of us needed at the right moment.
In addition to that supportive response to my post, immediately after, I read a devotion by an author who had been discouraged her blog wasn’t growing and how she was ready to quit. She too got confirmation to keep on writing.
Writing about what Jesus has done and is doing in my life isn’t about gaining followers on social media or having thousands of people subscribing to this blog. It is about being obedient to what God is calling me to do and trusting He is using my little things to do bigger things that I cannot and may not ever see.
The enemy knows our weeks spots. He will do whatever he can for us to doubt the kingdom work God is calling us to do. Any little thing we do in the name of Jesus matters. The devil wants to do whatever he can to discourage and distract us from sharing the Gospel in our broken world.
Trust me, I know how hard it is to not doubt what you feel like God has called you to do when you aren’t seeing any results. I have to remind myself daily it’s not about me but all about Jesus. We aren’t ever invisible to God. He sees and knows what we are doing.
Father God,
Forgive me when I let the enemy doubt what I am doing for Your kingdom. When I am more “me focused” than “You Focused,” I can let the lies creep into my thoughts. You have a plan and purpose for all I do. From writing a weekly blog post to speaking kind words to a clerk at the store, You are able to use me to share Your love and encourage others. I lift those up to You who are questioning if what they are in the name of Jesus really matters. While they may not ever see the fruits of what they are doing, I ask for You to put someone in their pathway to encourage them to continue to be a blessing to others. I pray these things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
February Verse
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”—John 8:12
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