Joy, Prayer and Thanksgiving
“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”—1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT)
I really wasn’t sure what memory verse I should do for the month of October. This week I felt God nudging me to do 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18, but I just wasn’t for sure about it. I kept asking God for clarity and felt Him leading me to those verses. However, because I am who I am and God knows that, Saturday morning when I was praying, I said, “Lord, I’m not for sure this is the verse you want me to share on the blog, please be very clear to me today if this is it.”
You see, God had already been confirming that was the scripture, and I am embarrassed to say that gut “feeling,” just wasn’t enough. Saturday morning there was a small ladies get together with some of the women from the church and on our way out we were told to grab a small gift that seemed to speak to us. The above photo was the magnet that I saw and picked. God was clearly confirming that those verses in 1 Thessalonians were what He wanted me to use for October’s memory verse.
So how are we supposed to always be joyful, praying and giving thanks in all circumstances? It’s not easy and that is why trying to memorize this scripture can help you get back on track. I don’t know about you but for me, when I let negative thoughts creep into my head, I don’t see all of the blessings in my life in which I should be grateful.
Last week, Texas got hit with some pretty hard storms. My husband was out of the country on business and I woke up to a pool that looked like a lagoon. Initially I was a little stressed out about it, but in the big scheme of things, my messy and mucky pool was nothing in comparison to what the people were dealing with in the Carolina’s from the hurricane.
Rather than focus on what all I needed to do, I was able to say, “Thank You, Lord for the rain that produces lush green grass. Thank You, that I have a pool. I lift up those who are dealing with the devastation caused by the hurricane and its aftermath.” I know a dirty pool isn’t a major issue and may not be the best example on how to be joyful and give thanks in all circumstances, but sometimes I can let something minor like this ruin my day.
By imprinting 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, on my heart, I am able to remind myself, to take the focus off of me and put it on God as I give thanks for all of my blessings. This in turn gives me a heart filled with peace and joy. I hope some of you will join me in memorizing these verses.
No matter what you may be dealing with today—an illness, a sick family member, a prodigal child….try and look for how you can be joyful despite the “yuck” you may be feeling. If you haven’t given away a knit or crochet gift yet, consider doing it this month. It will help fill your mind with how you can be a flicker of light in someone’s day when they receive your gift.
Dear Lord,
I know that sometimes I get distracted from doing Your Kingdom work because I am too consumed with things that are out of my control. Help me to remember that every blessing in my life from running water, clothes to wear, food to eat… are not to be something to take for granted. I lift those up that are less fortunate than I am. I ask that You lead me to someone this week that can use a kind word, smile or hand made gift to lift them up when they are feeling discouraged. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtags #ThreadsWithRed and #KnitPrayShare be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.