Knit Pray Share

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“He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ--with all boldness and without hindrance!”—Acts 28:31

With last week being the 4th fo July, it got me thinking about the freedoms we have. Here in the United States, we have the freedom to worship whatever religion we want. I thank God every day, that I am able to praise and worship Him outside the walls of my home. 

Not only that, I am able to blog and write about sharing the love of Jesus. In other countries, I could be arrested for writing and talking about my faith. I am so grateful that I live somewhere that I am not censored or shunned by professing my religious beliefs.

While I am thankful that God has chosen me to pursue a knitting ministry with Threads with Red, I can’t help but feel a bit like Moses. “Why me, Lord? There is nothing special about me.” Moses didn’t feel equipped to lead God’s people out of Egypt. He even asked God to ask someone else. “But Moses said, "Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.”—Exodus 4:13

God didn’t want someone else, He wanted Moses. God knows my heart and my passion to share the love of Jesus through my hands and heart with items that I knit. Writing Threads with Red is the avenue He is asking me to do this. Do I feel qualified? Absolutely not, but I am stepping out in faith, trusting God on this road ahead of me. 

Memorizing, “For we live by faith, not by sight.”—2 Corinthians 5:7 needs to be imprinted on my heart. I have to trust God is with me on this journey. Because He has commissioned me to do this task, He will empower me to complete it. This has nothing to do with me and everything to do with God. 

Dear Lord,

I pray for missionaries around the world who do not have the same freedoms as I do. I pray for their safety as they continue to share the Gospel despite the danger and persecution that they face on a daily basis. I thank You, that I have the privilege to study Your Word in public and the opportunity to freely share the gospel. I ask for continued boldness to share my faith through my hand knit items. I pray these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.

If you are memorizing, “For we live by faith, not by sight.”—2 Corinthians 5:7, put it on a sticky note on your bathroom mirror as a reminder of how to live your day.

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit Pray Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtags #ThreadsWithRed #KnitPrayShare and attach at a gift tag to whatever gift you make.