“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” —Psalm 56:3
In case you didn’t notice, there is a name change to my website. It is officially, Knit, Pray, Share with Threads with Red as my tag line. Threads with Red is about knitting, praying and sharing God’s love through the items that I make so I am happy with Harvest House’s title suggestion. It encompasses exactly the mission of Threads with Red.
During this journey of my knitting devotion/pattern book, “Trust,” has been a word that frequently comes out of my mouth. There has been much uncertainty. It would be easy to give into the anxiety of what all needs to be done to meet my deadline.
The question for me is, am I going to trust God with the supernatural with completing my book and projects in 8 weeks or give in to anxiety? If I don’t abandon myself to God, I will be filled with fear. God is building my faith in the moment with my website/name change. All of this Google analytics stuff is over my head, but God will help me figure it out. I can’t focus on the challenge but I need to trust God with this. God's got this.
Francesca Battistelli, The Break-up Song was just what I needed to hear as I sat down to finish this week’s blog post. I was feeling overwhelmed with all that needs to get done from the name change, social media updates, writing and knitting. However, when I heard her words, “Fear you don’t own me, there ain’t no room in this story….So fear, you will never be welcome here,” I was given peace. Fear you are not welcome here!
God will give me exactly what I need every moment of the day. Worrying about it, isn't trusting God's promise to me. God will not fail or abandon me. According to Psalm 73:23, He is with me and holding me by the right hand. Throughout this process, God has been telling me, “Trust Me.” Will you join me this month in imprinting Psalm 56:3 on your heart, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Dear Lord,
Remove any feelings of anxiety about all that needs to get done. Replace panic with peace. Lord, help me to trust You to continue to guide and lead me to do Your Kingdom work. I thank you for putting someone in my path this week to bless with a Threads with Red Gift. For those that don’t knit gifts to give away, I ask that you lead them to someone this week that needs to hear a kind or encouraging word. Give them the boldness to speak truth into someone's life. I ask these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit Pray Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtags #ThreadsWithRed #KnitPrayShare and attach at Threads with Red tag to whatever gift you make.