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Faith Building Friendships

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.”—Proverbs 27:17 (NLT)

People we regularly surround ourselves with have an influence on our lives. We should choose our friends wisely. Don’t underestimate your friendships. I know how important it is for me to stay in community with others that are also growing in their walk with the Lord.  Since March of last year, I know for many it has been hard to do that. While it is good to have video conferencing, it isn’t that same as meeting in person. 

Who do you go to for wisdom? Who do you go to for accountability? When things aren’t right with my relationship with God, I tend to gravitate to a friend who is less likely to call me out on my behavior. My friends strong in their faith, are the ones to convict me if what I am doing does align with God and His Word. They will be the ones to point me back to God, not away from Him.

Don’t listen to the lies and deceit of the enemy and go to advice to those that will lead you astray. I know that in the times in which we are living, rather than be vulnerable and reach out to a friend, it is much easier to look things up on the internet, but seeking God through His Word or other grounded friends for counsel is where I will get the most clarity. 

A Christian friend will lead you back to God’s Word and God’s ways if they think what you are doing isn’t honoring God. Don’t be afraid to be that friend to someone. As a Christian, it is our responsibility to hold each other accountable.   

It is important to be in community with other believers so that our spiritual walk is not stunted. Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to also find this through small groups. Their love, support and prayers have been invaluable. Just as you need friends to sharpen you, you also need to be serving with others outside your inner circle. I have met many special women whose paths I would have never crossed had I not blindly signed up for a Bible study where I went in not knowing any of the people.

Through this time in which we have been living, I have seen how many are connected digitally but not relationally. Despite not always being able to meet in person, it is important for us to maintain our relationships. I can’t just connect with people through social media and text messages. I need to hear a voice or have face-to-face interactions with those around me. 

Do you have friends you can go to who pray, encourage and hold you accountable? Who are you walking life with? True friendships are when you trust someone and can totally be yourself. Are you doing all you can to maintain these relationships?

Some suggestions to try for this week: 

*List your friends in your life that you know will guide and pray for you when you ask.

*Ask God to reveal any friendships in your life that might be unhealthy or not God honoring.

* Ask God to put friends in your life that you can mentor that might need a strong Christian role model in their life.

Dear Lord,

Thank You for providing me fellowship with other women that help nourish my soul. Reveal to me any unhealthy relationships that are drawing me away from You and Your will for my life. Open my eyes to someone that might need a friend or mentor to help them in their faith walk. I praise You for the ladies in my life that help me to grow spiritually and hold me accountable when I am not honoring You. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen. 

 March Memory Verse

We love because he first loved us.”—1 John 4:19

This verse is a reminder for us to not just be receivers of God’s love but to be a giver of His love too. It is through His supernatural love that flows through us that it can flow out of us into others.  

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