Gifted to Love
“We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.”—1 John 4:16
How has God gifted you to love? Where can you put this into action this week? Think about your mission field. Where can you be planting seeds of love? Work, school, running errands, social organizations??? Do you volunteer at a school or meet your child for lunch? Could you bless someone in the cafeteria this week that doesn’t seem to get recognized for their hard work? What about the crossing guards keeping people safe? Today could be the perfect day to thank them.
What can you or I do to help those who serve in our community? We have no idea what kind of impact we can make when we minster to them. As a church, we have an opportunity to make an invisible God visible to them. Rather than let these people feel as if they aren’t noticed, we connect with them.
Right now, my focus is knitting gifts to bless people as well as encouraging others to do the same. God is still leading me to people to give my hand-made items. I am taking advantage of the colder Texas weather. I have been making hats, ear warmers and scarves to give-away. As I do this, I am also able to speak words of encouragement to the recipient. My heart is to show people kindness….to be that light in what could be a dark day for someone.
If you are joining me in knitting or crocheting gifts, in addition to my monthly verse tags, I have also added tags that are from my book. You can download and print them for FREE! If you are interested in learning this craft, I encourage you to find a local yarn store that offers classes or find an online course. If you need guidance, you can email me I can help direct you to help get you started. I also have a list of video tutorials here.
Each of our assignments are hand-picked by God. I am a perfect example of how God can use unique and unlikely ways to share the Gospel. Knitting? Me? If God could use me to start a knitting ministry, He can use what little you think you have to do a lot….as long as you have a willing heart.
I know not everyone want to learn to knit or crochet, but we all have a passion. If God is nudging you to start a neighborhood Bible study or some kind of ministry, the only qualification you need is a willing and obedient spirit. You don’t have to be an ordained clergy to lead a small group. All you need is to trust the Holy Spirit within you who will empower you where He is calling you. Whether it is in our homes, work or in our community, we are all equipped with God’s love to share His Word and ways to those around us.
Father God,
Reveal my gifts that I possess that can used to serve You this week. Forgive me when I miss moments out of fear of being inadequate for the job. Open my eyes to ministry opportunities. I ask for You to use me to scatter the love of Jesus in my sphere of influence. I pray these things in Your Precious Son’s name, Jesus. Amen.
January Verse
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”—Psalm 119:105
If you are knitting or crocheting gifts to give away, please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.