Knit Pray Share

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Prayer Shawl, Part 2

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 Blessings in the Midst of Grief

Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever.”—Psalm 145:2 (ESV)

It is not always easy to praise God all day and every day, especially when we are going through a difficult time. The rising and setting of the sun are something we can praise. This means you have made it through one more day when you weren’t sure you could.Rejoicing in our suffering doesn’t mean we don’t grieve or cry, it means during our pain that we still thank God for His steadfast love. We have reason to praise God. He is forever. Our tears are temporary.

I know my initial reaction with my first husband’s death was asking God, Why? It is normal to question God when something bad happens. However, for me, it got to the point where I didn’t need answers. I realized knowing answers wasn’t going to heal me. Jesus poured His peace into and on me. That is what healed me. He was with me. I felt His presence. I trusted He was going to continue to provide for me.

This is on my mind because I was able to deliver the wave stitch prayer shawl that I wrote about a few weeks ago.  It was for a local woman whose husband died in a drowning accident in Cabo San Lucas a few months ago. A friend and I went together. We had no idea if she was a believer. I had my prayer shawl, and she had a Jesus Calling book to give her. Despite the unknown, my friend and I felt led to minister to this woman no matter what we might find when we walked through her door. Of course, we were both relieved when we saw the cross hanging on her wall.

Over the years I have met many women who have been widowed. If they don’t know Jesus, I am usually met with bitterness and anger. In those situations, me coming in with a prayer shawl and devotion book might not be well received. As a Christ follower, it isn’t easy to walk into a home with an angry unbeliever. However, since there were two of us, I felt better prepared. While seeing that cross gave me comfort knowing that her faith will sustain her, I was also relieved that I wasn’t going into a hostile environment.

God may call you to an uncomfortable situation. What I can tell you, is if He is calling You, He will equip you. You have the Holy Spirit living inside of you. He will give you the words to say. Or, He may keep your mouth closed. Your purpose could be that someone needs a listening ear. All I know is God opens the doors when we have a willing heart. Of course, having a friend by my side gave me more courage. She was also able to encourage me to share my story behind the making of the shawl and the stitch used for it. It gave her chill bumps to see how God’s hand was in it all.

Since it has been 27 years, it surprised her to see how emotional I got when I shared my similar story. I disclosed how I didn’t know Jesus, so my emotions stem from God’s grace and mercy to save my lost soul. God didn’t have our paths cross by accident. I am person that she knows understands what she is going through. Not to mention, she can talk as much as she wants about her late husband and what happened, and it will not make me uncomfortable.

When you are grieving and God puts people in your pathway that can give you comfort, you are able to see the blessings in the midst of your sufferings. I don’t know where you are in life, but despite your circumstances, when you look beyond your pain and help someone else, it makes for a better life. Is there someone in your sphere of influence that you pour the love of Jesus into their life to give them hope?

Father God,

Thank You for Your grace and mercy for all Your children. I ask for compassion, wisdom, and guidance to do at least one thing each day that will be beneficial to someone else. Open my eyes to see the needs of another person. Help me to love them as You do. Expand my vision to reach out to those in need of Your love this week. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

October Verse

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”—Philippians 4:13

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