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Seeking Jesus Early

 “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.”—Psalm 90:14

My alone time with God is most successful, first thing in the morning. It not only starts off my day by bringing peace to a restless heart, but it in the quiet lull, my awareness of my Heavenly Father is heightened.

Spending time in His presence each morning opens my hearts to think and view my day differently. I know this can be a struggle for many, but it can set the tone of your day. It connects me with God. If my morning time is rushed, I don’t have peace.

Of course, any time of the day is a good time to spend with God. However, the start of my day in His presence affects how the rest of my day will go. Being filled with the Holy Spirit within my heart, enables me to be blessed with God’s presence during my day. It refreshes my soul for the new day ahead of me. For me, I have also found that when I make room for God at the beginning of the day, He multiplies my time.

As I have been sharing, there have been a lot of ups and downs with my mother’s health. I am not always as well rested as I would like. From all of this, what I know is the only way for me to stay centered in Christ is for me to spend time in God’s Word by reading my devotions and daily Bible plan.

Along with this, I also thank God for all of the moments in my day, every moment of my life can be a prayer. Each morning before my feet hit the floor, I thank God for another day. Starting my day talking to God, opens the door for Him to enter my heart. Even though the world might not change from my prayers, I do. I have more peace.

There are some mornings where I may get ready before I sit in my chair. I know me. If I haven’t showered and dressed, I will rush through my quiet time or keep looking at my watch. What is most important for me to be grounded in God for the day, is for me to make sure I devote a small chunk of time with God before I walk out my door.

If you haven’t ever tried to implement some type of morning routine with God, I would encourage you to try it for a week. Try setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier. You can start by reading one morning devotion as well as a daily scripture reading. I think you may find, that once you incorporate it in your daily activities, you face your day with a renewed mind and spirit.

If you have a commute to work, you might find yourself wanting to continue in your car listening to podcast with guided prayer or scripture reading. It is a win-win situation when you face your Father first thing in the morning before you walk out the door.

Father God,

Forgive me when I let my “to do” list keep me from spending time with You. I thank You for Your grace and mercy in this area of my life. I praise You that as I soak in Your Presence, my soul and mind are refreshed. I lift those up to You who feel rushed in the morning. Let them feel Your peace before they walk out into the world. Help me to stay connected to You throughout my day. I know this allows me to reflect Your love to those who You put in my pathway. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

 June Verse
“The LORD is near to all who call on Him, To all who call on Him in truth.”—Psalm 145:18 (NASB)

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