“Do everything in love.”—1 Corinthians 16:14
These are unprecedented times. Not being able to visit family or friends at the hospital, fathers not in the delivery room, the inability to have or attend a funeral for a loved one, birthday/anniversaries not being celebrated like normal, weddings cancelled…all things that we never imagined not being able to do, but right now they are our reality. Fortunately, they are temporary but for now, it is our way we are to live.
I know we are being asked to stay-at-home and keep our distance to help flatten the curve of this pandemic. However, we can still love others during this time. It may take thinking outside of the box, but I am going to do my best share love and kindness during this time. I thought I would share some things to maybe inspire others to do the same in their corner of the world.
Even though I own a sewing machine, I can barely sew a straight line, but since I did have some elastic and scrap fabric, I followed the tutorial on the Joann website and was able to make some masks for my family, friends and neighbors until I ran out of materials. They aren’t perfect and definitely aren’t sewn like a professional, but now that it is being recommended to wear masks in public, I am glad that I was able to make what I did.
A dear friend of mine inspired me. She is one of the craftiest people I know. She decided to put her scraps of material to use to sew face masks to donate to those whose jobs require them. By the time this is posted, she will probably have made close to 500 masks! She WILL NOT take money for them. She could have easily been selling these at a minimum of $5 a piece, but she is filled with joy that she is able to help in this way to those that are in need. They have been donated to hospital workers, police officers, clerks, neighbors as well as many, many others.
If you aren’t crafty and don’t sew, what about doing some kind of giveaway? While it may not be much, last week I decided do one on my Instagram page. It was a knitting project bag, yarn and some yarn sleeves to go along with it. I know how much I like winning things in a drawing, so why not bless someone else with the same feeling?
If you are on social media or have a neighborhood page could you do some kind of giveaway? It could be something as simple as a porch delivery for a meal, dessert, TP, paper towels, or a restaurant/grocery gift card. It is an easy way to lift someone’s spirit that may be feeling a little down right now. It really doesn’t take much for us to give the gift of encouragement to offer someone a little bit of hope in this unknown time in which we currently live.
Can you think of ways this week where you can shine the light of Jesus? I know I saw it this week when a parade of decorated cars where lined up outside our neighborhood to drive by one of our neighbor’s home to wish their daughter a happy birthday. Sometimes just a wave and smile are all someone needs to brighten their day. What you have to offer does matter. God can use what you see as a little bit to do a lot.
I would love to hear about ways you have been able to be a blessing to others during this time.
Dear Lord,
Continue to open my eyes this week to where I can minister Your love from my home. Lead me on how I can give my time and talents. Help me to magnify You in all that I do and pass on the hope to others around me. Thank You that You can use my little bit to make a difference in Your Kingdom. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.
April Memory Verse
“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.”—Psalm 46:1
Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.